Saturday, November 1, 2008

And so it's November 1st

Woo! Its' here! It's Here!

So I decided I would stay up until midnight and start typing right away. I got just over my minimum day's wordcount (1667 words) in 1 1/2 hours before I crashed and had to go to sleep. The only problem was I slept through my alarm and I missed going to the Inner Critic Clay Social. Whoops >.< I was looking foreward to it too. I've written 3,486 words so far, but I can't figure out how to load my word count onto the website. Plus the website is being difficult and not loading. I'm assuming its because of all the people who are trying to access it all at the same time, so I guess I can forgive it. LoL! I hope I'll be able to get back on later tonight. But so far things are going well. I havn't run into writer's block and I don't appear to be going through the outline too fast - not yet anyways. So I'm pretty optimistic. Anyways, I hope to get another few hours of writing in before I go to bed tonight, but right now I feel like my brain is hurting, so I'm just gonna give myself a few hours of rest. I'm sure I'll be as good as new after a small nap. lol


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