Thursday, November 20, 2008

Getting closer

It's been another couple of days since I posted last (I know, I know *wrist slaps*) I've just been so busy between writing and sleeping (and I decided I would start to make christmas gifts as well) So I feel like i'm kinda going crazy. At the end of each day I feel so exhausted that I am too tired to fall asleep. Of course, it might have to do with the amout of caffeine I've been consuming. So i'm just over 37k words *cheers* but I didn't write yesterday because I had some other engagements going on and My day was just too full, so I wrote over my daily wordcount today, but I didn't make up enough to cover all of yesterdays word count too. I'm hoping that going to the Over Night Writing Session will give me a kick in the pants to keep going. It's suppose to be THE big event so I'm looking foreward to it. I hope to get their early so I get a plug for my laptop. lol. I should remember to bring an outlet extender thing and an extention cord. *Hopes really hard I remember to pack them tomorrow* I'm baking cookies to bring with me to the session (or is it a party?) because everyone loves to snack on cookies and munchies help people write. Well, most of the time anyways. I also need to find an electric kettle I can take with me so I can make tea, because where we are going to be wont have a kettle. They will have a coffee machine though. I hope someone remembers to bring cream and sugar for those who like it in their coffee. And if I decide to have a cup of coffee if (or should I say when) I get bored of drinking tea, I -really-hope its a decent brand of coffee and not that no name cheap brand stuff that tatses really terrible. But I don't know who is bringing the coffee, so I can't complain, because it is not me who is paying for it. Or if we are really luckey, there will be a coffee shop in close proximity to where we will be and I will show up with a coffee and save my tea for later in the night. We shall See.

Anyways, I'm off to bed so I can get up and bake cookies tomorrow! I hope to drop in and update before the overnight session, but if I don't, Wish me luck, and send me Telepathic Caffeine ^_^

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