Monday, November 3, 2008

Quick, while it's still Nov. 3rd...

A really short post today because I'm exhausted and I have to get up early for a dentist appointment tomorrow (booo! ick!) . My novel is comming along all right, I'm pulling in more than my minimum word count per day, but I know if I just gave myself a few more hours a day I could probally double my word count... but anyways, I'm at 8,220 words today, which I feel pretty good about. I'm hoping that I will be able to get out to the Second Official Write-In which is happening tomorrow at the Greenavi Cafe. It's a pretty new place, but I've heard that it's good, so I hope my schedual allows me to go! And I hope DJ brings the stickers this time! At the first write in, he forgot to bring them and I was hoping to get one to stick on my laptop. lol. Hopefully I'll also find some money to make a donation to NaNo, because I think it is absolutly awesome and I want a Halo on my profile by my name. hehehe!

Well, I'm off to read a Nanoland chronical before I go to sleep.

Night All ^_^

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