Sunday, November 2, 2008

Brain Overload

So I totally thought I didn't post anything yesterday because I was too tired... Guess I was so tired I didn't remember that I did post. LoL. Silly Me.

Today was great. It was the first official Toronto NaNoWriMo Write In, and it was lots of fun. It took place at the Timothy's on Danforth somewhere in down town toronto, or down town-ish. Either way I had to take the subway to get there. It was packed. Us Wrimo's took over the entire coffee shop. We started out as one little row by the door, but soon expanded to be everywhere. I shared a table with one of ML's (DJ I think, but I'm terrible with names) and actually managed to get some writing in amoung all the talking that was going on. I stayed for 2 hours and I only wrote 1,500 words, which isn't a full days word count, but its not too far off either. But if I compare my results with when I was typing alone in the quite of my bedroom, there is like an over 200-something word count difference, and thats with me really trying to type at the write in, so it appears I'd be better off typing at home. I'm not going to let that stop me from going to the other write ins though. Meeting people is fun, even though I feel really weird talking to people I don't know, but hey, everyone starts out as someone you don't know, so I guess I can't complain. I drank a really good Cafe Mocha (way better than the ones I've had at Starbucks) and pulled my word count up to a total of 4,986 words. Not too bad for only 2 days, but I don't want to get lazy just because I'm ahead in my word count. Then, next thing I'd know, I'd be like 1,000 words behind. Which (obveously) wouldn't be good. So now I am trying to convince myself that I really do want to write that last 170 words before I go to bed, even though I am so so sleepy. What I really want to do is read a book and have someone else do the work of narrating for me. lol, Tough luck for me.

Anywhoo, I should be typing my novel instead of typing a blog so I'm out for the night.


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