Monday, November 17, 2008

It's Been A Crazy Couple of Days

So I havn't updated in like a week I think, Which I appologize for, for anyone who is following this. ^_^

I've been writing like mad, except for the days where I didn't write anything. lol. There were a few days where I couldn't write anything because my day was just filled with too much other stuff I had to deal with, but I managed to make up for it on the following days, So I'm still ahead in my word count. *Yay!* Yesterday I just breached the 30k mark, which makes me *has to think* 3/5 of the way done, which makes me *gets out calculater* 60% of the way done, and yesterday was the halfway point. *Dances* I'm feeling pretty good about it, especially since I managed to keep my word count up even though there were a few days I couldn't write.

When I logged my word count last night, In the word war list, I am number 15. So much for wanting to stay within the top 10. lol. Its crazy though, There is one girl on the toronto team that had written over 200k so far, and another woman who is over 100k. Then there are a bunch of people who are just past 50k and the rest of us normal people who are at a much smaller number. hehe! The Toronto Word War team has collectivly written over 1 million words, and I think we are actually at a much higher (and more impressive) number now, but I just cant remember the stats at the moment. We are 300k words ahead of Vancouver, so as long as we keep this up, we are going to crush them! I beleive we are also beating them in total donations given as well which will give us extra bragging rights. ^_^ GO TORONTO!!

Last night was the halfway party and CD exchange which was really fun. We went to The Yellow Griffin Pub and they serve over 35 different types of hambergers, plus you could get all of the hanbers as chicken instead of beef so it it really like 70 different hambergers. It was crazy. I couldn't decide what I wanted to eat, and I couldn't find just a regular old joe hamber with lettuce, tomato and onion on the menu. I had to ask, and they have one, it just had a funny name on the menu and with all the other burgers, I must have missed reading the burger discription. The drinks were good and I met a bunch of people that I hadn't met before, which was really fun. One of the girls I met is interested in having me make her a corset, which is exciting because I havn't done one in a couple of months and I've been thinking about making one just because, but it's much more fun to make them for other people, and now I've got a reason to ^_^ (Plus, she's got the coolest pink hair I have ever seen!) There was someone else who asked me if I could teach her how to sew corsets, so that will be fun, if she decides to actually go through with it. The CD exchange was fun too. I had a blast putting together my cd, Picking which songs I was going to use that I had was time consuming though. Some of the Cds I got in return were pretty cool (although I havn't listened to all of them yet) and there was one that was absolutly terrible in my opinion, but hey, thats just me.

So now that I've procrastinated for an hour by writing this post, I have to get back to writing and get some wordage in so I can move up the list, or try to anyways. So Cheers! And wish my happy writing ^_^

1 comment:

Dr. Notto Nefarious said...

It was probably mine that you thought was horrible. :D

That's right, I'm procrastinating by checking out people's blogs ...