Friday, November 21, 2008

Productive, but non-writing

So I got up this morning (well, really just around noon) and I baked 3 batches of cookies to bring with me to the overnight writing session tomorrow. I did sugar cookies, gingerbread cookies, and chocolate chip cookies. They all turned out really well and are very yummy. I even decorated them with icing. It was fun. I've also packed up some tea and some sugar, all I need now is an electric kettle. I hope I can find one... I don't know where the one I have is, it is packed away in the garage somewhere... I'll have to see if I can borrow my daddy's <3 lol.

My writing went terrible today. I think I only wrote somewhere between 200-300 words. I just wasn't in the mood, and was having some other issues that some chocolate pudding fixed up quite nicely. Yay for Chocolate pudding! Its this healthy kind too, something my mom's boyfriend found, so its not compleatly terrible for me to have some, and it doesn't taste that bad either.

I also started making christmas gifts (I might have mentioned that in an earlier post already) and so I worked a little bit on them too. They are comming along... slowly. I chose to do something I have never done much of before, so it took me a bit to get used to doing it and having it turn out alright. I think It took me 4 tries before I got something that was streight enough for me to use. LoL. Well, I am having fun doing it, so thats cool and I am pleased. I hope the recipiants will be too.

Well, I am off to bed so I can pile on those hours of sleep so I will be able to stay up all night at the writing session tomorrow night.

*waves* Night!

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