Friday, October 31, 2008

Only 1 Day Left!

Wait make that Only 3 hours left! NaNoWriMo officially starts in just under 3 hours when the clock hits midnight! I'm so excited. I havn't decided weather I am going to wait up until midnight hits and do some writing before I go to sleep, but I managed to procrastinate 4 hours away by giving out Halloween candy (I dressed up as a princess in a hot pink poofy dress with a crinoline underneath, a purple wig and a pink crown. There was one little boy who lives on my street who came to see me 5 times, he just thought I was the cat's meow. LoL. He is only like 3 or 4 years old, it was cute.) So that took up some time where I wasn't excitedly and impatiently hovering over my keyboard. Good time distraction Halloween is, plus some of the kids are just so damn cute! Also, because I am crazy, and they didn't post the sign-up sheet last night while I was asleep (effectivly denying me a spot), I went against my own good advice and signed up to be part of the Word War Team. Now I am absolutly determind to crank out 50k words or more. Can't let Toronto down, we are gonna crush Vancouver! (at least we hope) ^_^ I'm totally craving Halloween chocolate right now, I'd make myself some tea, but then I would be up until dawn writing (not that thats such a terrible thing) and then I'll be too tired to go to the Inner Critic Clay Social event tomorrow. And as it happens, I'm looking forward to it because I want to meet more people who are participating. I'm looking to make more friends! hehehe! Well, there are now only 2.5 hours left until midnight... Do I go to bed or stay up to type? Gah! I can't decide, I'm too excited to sleep though, I guess I wil be staying up.... Wish me luck!!

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