Thursday, November 6, 2008

Another day over and done with

Oi, today was terrible. I was feeling sick most of the day so I slept and when I was writing I just barely made it over the daily word count minimum. My brain just wasn't functioning. To top it all off, I have developed a hacking cough that hurts my throat. I'm hoping it's just lack of sleep because I have been up late for the last couple of weeks, but I might be comming down with a full-fledged cold. Ick. I just hope I feel well enough to go to the social brunch on Saterday, since I was unable to make it to the writing session today at the library. My word count total today is 14,021 which puts me approximatly 2 1/2 days ahead in my word count. I hope to get lots of writing donew tomorrow though, because i'm sitting at number 14 in the toronto side of the Word War, not bad, but I'd still like to be in the top 10.... not that I have been there yet...but hopefully. It means I need to pump out some major wordage.

Fill you in on more later

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