Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Ever wonder why the first show in a television series is called the Pilot episode? I do, but I havn't gotten around to finding out why, not yet anyways. Funny that, it would be as simple as typing it into Google...anyways...So as you can probally tell, this is my first post and not only that, it's my first Blog post EVER. I've never had a Blog before, so all this is kinda new to me. I guess there has to be a first for everything, and this is that for this (still following me?). I've never had the urge to Blog before now, but thats because I havn't really had a reason to - not that I have much of a reason to start now, other than I saw a post about Blogging on a website I visit frequently, and decided I would give it a shot. I mean, Why Not?? It's certainly not going to harm anything... at least I sure hope not!

So my big and exciting topic today is NaNoWriMo Yay!! It stands for National Novel Writing Month and it takes place in November (Thats only 3 days from now!!). The challenge is to write a novel, which is defined as 50,000 words in 30 days. It sounds crazy, but it is suppose to be uber-crazy-fun! That works out to being 1667 words per day. This is my first year participating, and I am super psyched. Its so popular that there is a handbook published about it called NO PLOT, NO PROBLEM! which I happend to pick up at Chapter's in the month of June because I wanted to brush up on some of my writing skills and I had some time off work to do a bit of light reading. Little did I know that after reading it, I would get sucked into the insane, addicting, wild world of NaNoWriMo. But I am Really glad I did! I've been plotting and doing character outlines since July, and just having a blast. Tnere are some rules though, but they make sence to follow if you want to get the most out of your NaNo experiance. Like you can't use a story you have already been working on before November - your novel has to be brand-new, and you can't write the same word over and over 50,000 times. Oh! And it has to be Fiction. Any kind of fiction is fine - fantasy, sci-fi, horror, suspence, mystery, erotica, romence, western, etc, etc. Of course there are many people who participate and write something non-fiction, but it is aimed at people who are writing fiction. The aim isn't to write something thats 100% perfect, it's meant to help get your creative juices flowing and just get your story idea onto paper. Treat it like a first really rough-draft of a novel. There are even meet-ups with other people participating in your area, to do writing or other fun socializing events like the Kick Off Party, or the TGIO (Thank God It's Over) party. Along with other fun activities and challenges. But if you arn't a social person, you can totally just do it at home, by yourself, or anywhere you feel comfortable writing. You can even try and convince a family member or friend to join in the writing insanity that is November! Check out the site at www.nanowrimo.org It has all the Information and sign up stuff and what-not, It'll even explain it better than I am. LoL!

I'll leave it at that for tonight, and I'll fill you in on all my Crazy NaNo Adventures as they happen before and throughout the month.

Have fun!

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