Thursday, October 30, 2008

Kick Off Party 2008!!!

So tonight was the Kick Off Party for NaNoWriMo 2008 at The Butler's Pantry (down town T.O.) and it was a total blast! First there were introductions, the ML's introduced themselves and the Toronto NaNo schedual was announced. This year's Word War Competitor was announced also. Last year we went up against Chicago & New York and we won! This year we are competing locally, and our competitor is (Duh-Duh-Duh!!) Vancouver!! We are determind to win again this year. I was thinking abouot staying up late and signing up for the Word War Team on the forum, but I think that as this is my first year NaNoing, I will just be part of the cheering section to give myself a year to just get to 50,000 words (since I don't think I have ever written that much in one story ever).

Along with socializing, there were games that we played durring the party, and some prizes to boot. For the trivia portion, I answered a question correctly and I won a cute bunny notebook that says "Cute but psycho. Things even out." I think its the perfect NaNo Notebook, saying and all. Another game we played was a story writing game. a peice of paper was passed around and each peson was to write one or two sentences then fold the paper over so the person writing after you can't see what you've wrote. After everybody has written something on the paper, it was read out loud to the group. We had four papers going, and the stories turned out so-so-so funny. It was a great activity. The last one we did was we were each given an envelope and a cue card and we were to write a character name and discription on it and place it back in the envelope and seal it. The envelopes were then shuffled and redistributed back to each person. The idea was that whichever character you got on the card you received, you have to (as a challenge of course, you don't have to) somehow incorperate him/her/it into your own NaNo novel. I thought that was a great idea and the character I received back fits into my story very neatly. Her name is Catalina and has blonde hair and green eyes. She works as a tavern wench. She is practical, no nonsense, sharp tongued and short tempered. She should fit perfectly into one of my tavern scenes while my character is in the 17th century. I got a good match.

The other thing that I am uber excited about is the NaNoWriMusic 2008 CD. I bought it, I just had too, and came home and right away popped it into my CD player. I've listened to the whole CD twice so far this night, and my favourite song on the entire CD is called Writer's Block by Deborah Linden & Errol Elumir. The music is good, and the lyrics are so witty and just perfect. I would recomend to any other Wrimo to buy the CD. Its only $10.00 and the proceeds go to the Toronto chapter of NaNoWriMo, and everything extra goes to NaNo head-office as a general donation to NaNo. All the other songs on the CD are great as well and I think it will be the perfect musical tool to listen to when I'm in a writing funk or just need something fun.

The other thing I wanted to mention was the really cool, home-made, foam dragon hat that BunnyHero was wearing. I took a few pictures and if I can figure out how, I will post them so everyone can see. It was the most unique thing that I have ever seen made out of that coloured craft-foam. It was too cool for words. I want one too :P

Later *waves*


Vamp said...

Oh cool! Catalina is from me, and trust me, if you run with her, she's a blast! Last night was great fun, and I'm still giggling over several of the lines from the tales.

Deborah said...

Woohoo, that's so awesome, I'm so glad you love the CD! Writer's Block was super fun to write too - Errol just kept coming up with these crazy verses that had me giggling whenever I heard them :)