Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New NaNo Wordcount Widget

November is almost (well 25 days) upon us and I have just updated my widget thingies to display this years wordcount so anyone who wants to can follow along. You can also check out my NaNo Profile at http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/466887 It includes stuff like my Title, genre, updated word count, word count progress charts, Story Synopsis, Cover Art, etc. So check it out, and follow my amazing noveling progress throughout the month of November. I'm so excited! (But you probally knew that already)

EDIT: For whatever reason, my widget doesn't seem to be working yet, and I think it is a problem with the NaNo site link, so I will get it fixed as soon as I can.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Look! A participant Icon!

So I have totally had the new 2009 Participant Icons saved on my computer for a week or two now and I'm just getting around to posting it up here on the blog. So here it is! *Grand waving hand gesture to the right* Ta-Dah! Isn't it cute? LoL.

So there are only 38 days and 45 minutes left until NaNoWriMo 2009 as I type this right now. I'm so excited and all ready to go. I'm getting so impatient! I'm pretty much ready to dive in and start noveling away. I've got most of my character profiles written to some extent (except for some of the minor characters) and I have a plot that is realitivly plausable thanks to the fantasy genre and suspension of disbelief. Go Imagination! I only really have one small (gigantic in the tiniest way possible) plot hole. It has to do with how the character ends up travelling to the different worlds. Yup, like I said, small *rolls eyes*. I'm sure I'll figure it out come November.... it's still a month away. It's not like I don't have any ideas or anything, they just don't quite fit in right with the rest of the story. But, like I said, It will come to me (or so I hope)

On a compleatly unrelated note, I saw the movie Julie & Julia tonight. It was really good and I recomend it to anyone who likes cooking or knows someone who likes to cook (or just wants a good chick-flick) It was touching and funny and didn't end they way I thought it would which I think really made the movie stand out that much more. I'd say more, but I'm afraid I would give it away to anyone who is going to see it.

So here's to Movies, Cooking and Writing!


Monday, September 14, 2009

47 Days

Only 47 days left until NaNo! I'm excited, but a bit worried too.

My left wrist gets really sore sometimes (I think it might be the begining of carple-tunnel) and for the last week it has been giving me greif. I've tried babying it by wearing a brace, but as soon as I take the brace off, it is still sore when I move it. Highly inconveinent. So I'm hoping really hard it will be better by November 1st.

Havn't done a whole lot on the novel planning front. I've been a bit distracted with another project I am working on. It's a crazy quilt and will be my first "official" quilt, so i'm really excitind about it. The only problem is that I have to sew in the basement and I get so lonely and feel like I'm in a hole or something (well, it is mostly underground) and the air is musty and smells of mold. There is a fan down there, which helps, but doesn't get compleatly rid of the smell. And spiders! ICK. I really hate them, they creep me out. I want to be able to sew in the sunshine and daylight! If only I could sew outside... that would be really nice! I can write outside though, so I guess i will have to balance my time equally between sewing in the dark and writing in the sun.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Its not quite like riding a bike...


They changed the site on me since I was logged on last and now I have to figure everything out again! Its not as easy as riding a bike. LoL!

So I havn't blogged since last November (2008) when I was participating in NaNoWriMo. I did Win last year with a whopping 52,000+ words (I can't remember my exact total) So I was so excited and so tired from spending all my time writing, I never came back to update my Blog. Tisk-Tisk to me. Well I'm back now, and getting ready to gear up for NaNoWriMo 2009! *CHEERS*

So I know it is only the beginning of september, but I am already starting to jot down ideas about my potential novel. I know that it's going to be a fantasy (Big surprise there :P ) and that my main character is going to be Female. I havn't quite decided on a name for her yet though. I've decided she needs a male companion so I can throw in a little romance, and he doesn't have a name either. I find that choosing the name for the character can sometimes be the hardest part of writing, because I want the name to be a perfect fit for the characters. I know I can always go back and change the name of a character once I'm done writitng, but it just isn't the same. A person isn't compleate without a name, and neither is a character in a book. How can I write about something that isn't complete? I dunno, but I guess some people do it.

On another note, I think I have to go help make dinner since something big and loud just bashed into the wondow scaring the hell outta me. I think it's a sign I'm needed downstairs. I will Keep you posted.
